Name of Intervention/ Program
Minors Awareness Campaign

Background and Situation Analysis
The objective of the Minors Awareness Campaign was to educate and encourage Albertans to not purchase lottery tickets for minors during the holiday season. Purchasing lottery tickets for minors as a stocking stuffer is often seen as a harmless activity, but the aim of this campaign was to raise public awareness that gambling is an adult entertainment that minors should not be encouraged to participate in.

Priority Audiences(s)
Our primary audience was Albertans ages 18+ and our secondary audience targeted to those who purchase lottery and scratch tickets (lottery, scratch off lottery tickets, scratchcard, Lotto 6/49, Lotto Max)

Behavioral Objectives
The goal of this campaign is to drive traffic to the Minors Awareness/Lottery page of the GameSense website, so Albertans are informed to not purchase lottery tickets for minors. The campaign ran during the holiday season to raise public awareness that: buying/scratching/cashing in lottery tickets is a form of gambling; and that gambling is an adult activity. Reminders and posters were sent to lottery ticket retailers and their staff to ensure that minors are not purchasing or redeeming lottery ticket products; and adults are not purchasing lottery tickets for or on behalf of minors.

Description of Strategy/Intervention
For many, giving up alcohol can be difficult. There are a lot of misconceptions on the safety of small amounts of alcohol at Highlight the Alberta government’s commitment to social responsibility in the gaming industry. Campaign activities will continue to seek to discourage adults from purchasing lottery tickets as stocking stuffers for their minor children, grandchildren, etc. and increase retailer compliance with the AGLC policy.

We implemented this campaign by having Retailor Posters, Lotto Line publication for November/December, social media campaign including Facebook (Post & Story), Instagram (Post & Story), YouTube pre-roll, in casino cool sign videos, Reddit and Spotify.

Evaluation Methods and Results
The campaign goal was to educate Albertans (18+) that scratch tickets are for adults only. Historically people like to purchase scratch tickets for children and add them to their stockings, etc and although it seems harmless it is still a form of gambling. We also wanted to drive users to our website. This campaign received over 6.5M impressions, 20.3K clicks and ~14K sessions.

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Entry Letter: I

Engagement - Entries demonstrate how the work was key in successfully driving positive behavior change interaction with the target audience(s).
Creativity/Originality/Innovation - Entries demonstrate how their work was memorable and/or inspired behavior change inspiring, including originality and innovation.
Strategy - Entries include a clearly defined, evidence-based/research driven strategy that includes a clear behavior objective, audience insights and a marketing intervention mix developed to address audience barriers, desired benefits and motivators that were key to the program meeting its objectives.
Effectiveness - Entries report on program outcomes and demonstrate how the program or tactic was evaluated to determine effectiveness in meeting goals and objectives.