Name of Intervention/ Program
Dry9 Supporter Campaign

Background and Situation Analysis
The Dry9 Supporter Campaign was developed to create a joint sense of responsibility in preventing Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and raise awareness that no amount of alcohol is safe while pregnant.

Priority Audiences(s)
The primary target audience is women in Alberta between 18-40 years old. The secondary target audience is Albertans 18+, with a specific focus on Albertans that have a relationship with a person who is (or trying to become) pregnant. This would include family members, friends, and partners/spouses.

Behavioral Objectives
The goal of this campaign was to encourage women and their supporters to sign-up for the Dry9 program and commit to not drinking alcohol while pregnant or trying to conceive. By increasing sign-ups for supporters, the intention was to spread the responsibility of preventing FASD rather than having this responsibility solely with the pregnant person.

Description of Strategy/Intervention
For many, giving up alcohol can be difficult. There are a lot of misconceptions on the safety of small amounts of alcohol at different stages of pregnancy. We know however, that no amount of alcohol has been proved safe during pregnancy. Through research, we know that many people are more successful with an alcohol-free pregnancy if they have the support of loved ones. Incentivizing supporters of pregnant loved (spouse, friend, siblings, parents, etc.) ones to sign-up by giving them a free T-shirt, it helps to limit temptation and foster a supportive community. Many people chose to wear their Dry9 shirts at social events as a visual cue to others that they are committed to supporting an alcohol-free pregnancy and do not want to be offered alcoholic drinks. It also encourages conversations about FASD prevention.

We utilized ad placements across the following social media networks: Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. The ads directed We utilized ad placements across the following social media networks: Facebook, Instagram, Stories, Google Display, and StackAdapt Display driving traffic back to the website for sign-ups.

Evaluation Methods and Results
The campaign goal was to encourage pregnant women and their supporters to complete a Dry9. We had t-shirts available for both supporters and pregnant women who signed up. This campaign drove over 11M impressions, 81K clicks, 83K website sessions with a total of 1406 total sign ups. Instagram was our biggest driver for sign-ups at 52% of total sign ups with Google Display coming in second at 18% of total sign ups.

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