Q: Is there a limit to the number of entries?
A: No, there is no limit to the number of entries for the SMANA Social Marketing Awards.

Q: What should be included in the file upload section?
A: A one-page summary describing the intervention and social marketing principles used. You may include a summary of the research conducted, audiences, barriers, interventions, and/or results.

Q: Does “Program Entry” mean campaigns?
A: Yes.

Q: Are there any details on what you can upload for a campaign—like how many files or what format?
A:  Only one file and/or creative asset for a “single entry” category and multiple files are OK for “Program entry”.

Q: I’m assuming campaigns should only include social elements—is that correct?
A:  No. While social media may be a component of a social marketing campaign. Social marketing is defined as marketing that is done for the good of the individual or the good of society as a whole. It is not just social media.

Q: “Social Media Marketing in a social marketing program” is in the single-entry category, but I wanted to confirm if this sub-category allows for more than one asset (as in a collection of social) or just a single asset?
A:  No, just one asset on this line item.

Q: “Campaign Branding in a social marketing program” is also in the single-entry category. Does this allow for more than one asset to show branding? Also, can include more than just the social elements to show branding? 
A:  Only one asset is allowed in the single-entry categories.

Q: Can we include a credit list for the team that worked on the projects?
A:  Yes, if you put that in the “name” section of the form. The attached files should be blind (no names) for impartial judging.

Q: Is it possible / expected that a campaign could be entered in more than one category? For example, we have a campaign that could potentially fit into Overall Social Marketing Program; Best Health & Wellness Program; and one or more of the Single Entry categories.
A: Yes, it’s possible/expected that a campaign could be entered in more than one category.  Just keep in mind a “single entry” category is for one single creative asset or write-up for one strategy or tactic, not a full campaign.

Q: The Fees page mentions a coupon code for members. I have a personal membership, does that qualify? And if so, where do I get the code?
A: Yes, you can use your personal membership. The code is located on the members-only resources page of the SMANA site: https://smana.org/resources/members-only-resources/

Q: On the Entry page, do you have any specifications for the submission? E.g., do you have a preferred number of pages for the file, can we include graphics such as creative examples?
A: For the submission, please keep the narrative confined to one single page. For a “single entry” one creative example can be submitted. For a “Program Entry”, multiple creative assets can be submitted.

Q: Can we also include hyperlinks in the file — for example, to the campaign website or two creative video files?
A: Yes, hyperlinks to a website or to a video can be included. Keep in mind each hyperlink to each single creative asset would be considered a “single entry” and if you have multiple links, or a link leads to multiple assets, or a link plus a creative example, that would need to be a “program entry”.